Should You Really Be Eating These 8 Superfoods? Health Care

Should You Really Be Eating These 8 Superfoods?



(1. Lemon Water)

The popular belief is that consuming water with lemon aids digestion, speeds up the fat-burning process, prevents the emergence of kidney stones and promotes hydration. Truth be told, the effectiveness of lemon water is due to water not lemon. Even though lemon contains potent doses of vitamin C, it is water that is incredibly beneficial for the human body, and yet we do not consume it sufficiently.
Be sure to drink with loads of water each day, whether you chose to add lemons or not. While lemon may not be a superfood, it can provide you citric nutrients and enhance the flavour of the water.
If you find it difficult to consume 8 cups of water a day, adding a little bit of lemon can make the taste more refreshing and inviting for you.

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